Meet our team

Jeff Rice, MD, JD
Founder & CEO
Dr. Rice is the founder of Bulletproof Inbox. He also serves as founder and executive chairman for Healthcare Bluebook; founder and board member of Method Insurance; and investor and board member of Provider Partners Health Plans.
Mike Ginsburg
Lead Engineering Consultant
Mike is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in technology. Mike has worked in numerous startups in the healthcare and human resource tech spaces and brings a breadth of expertise in the security, stability, and scalability of cloud-based SaaS solutions.
Nathan Bellah
Head of Marketing
Nathan Bellah is an experienced marketing leader and entrepreneur based in Austin, TX. With over 18 years of experience in traditional and digital marketing strategy for D2C and B2B brands, he brings an innovative approach to the challenges associated with modern marketing.
Miguel Bravo
Lead Frontend Engineer
Miguel is a full-stack software engineer, with a strong background in tech startups. He loves mixing technical know-how with creative thinking, to solve hard real-world problems.
Jase Rader
Product Consultant
Jase Rader is an experienced Technical Product Manager, with a focus on developing and applying platform product strategy, intuitive user experiences and complex integrations. He has successfully managed and created many software products over the last 10 years from healthcare to consumer apps.
Chief Morale Officer
Hank is a young pup with a natural talent for eating chicken. With over 2 years of experience as a bird dog & couch potato, he brings tremendous speed & energy to the team.

About us

Bulletproof Inbox is a dedicated collective of entrepreneurs, product gurus, data engineers, and programmers who care about the value of our time and minimizing the unwanted noise that distorts our every day.

Our Purpose

During my experience as an executive, for many years across many companies, the one thing I found hindering progress and productivity at every organization was the burden of emails, particularly the massive volume of unwanted emails. I am committed to solving the challenges of unwanted digital noise. Starting with email and then moving to calls/SMS and then to the rest of it. I am looking forward to this journey together to bring peace and sanity to our digital lives. - Jeff, Founder