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New Member Onboarding Guide:

Start Here (2.5 mins)
Watch the videos below or check out our 1 min. product demo

For Gmail:

For Outlook:

How to Approve/Block Senders (3 mins)
Everything to Know About Your Bp: Evaluating Folder (1.5 mins)
Customize How Bulletproof Works (2 mins)


How does Bulletproof Inbox work?
Bulletproof Inbox works seamlessly with Gmail, Google Workspace, Microsoft Outlook, and any email hosted by Microsoft Outlook. Bulletproof is also compatible with the Apple mail app (as long as the email is hosted by Gmail or Microsoft). Bulletproof technology reviews all incoming senders and determines who makes it to your inbox based on the settings you set up in your Bulletproof account. Messages from Approved Senders will be in your inbox. If you have blocked a sender once, you will never see them again. As for unknown senders, Bulletproof will automatically send them an inbox request form asking them why they want to contact you (if you have the inbox request form feature enabled). You will no longer have to do the work of weeding through unwanted emails. Bulletproof pushes the work back onto the sender! Enjoy your clean inbox.
I can't find an email that I'm looking for, what should I do?
Bulletproof will always put emails into one of three folders: Inbox, Bp: Blocked, Bp: Evaluating. Note- if an email is in the inbox, a copy of it will also show up in the Bp: approved folder. If the email is not in one of those 3 folders, then it is unlikely that Bulletproof is responsible for the missing email. Below are the most common reasons that emails go missing, and how to resolve some of these issues:
1. The email is in the ‘Spam’ folder (called ‘junk folder’ in Outlook)
If this occurs, you can approve the sender and their emails will be delivered to your inbox the next time they email you.
2. The sender sent the email to the wrong address
Confirm that the sender sent the email to the correct address (with no typos or mis-spellings).
3. The email is stuck in the spam folder of a forwarding account
If you are forwarding emails from a separate address to the email account that is connected to Bulletproof, it is possible that an email is stuck in the spam folder of the forwarding account & never made it to the email account connected to Bulletproof.  Please log in directly to the email system of the forwarding account to check their spam folder.
4. The email is quarantined at the server level by Gmail or Outlook
For Gmail-
- Sign in to your Google Admin console.
- From the Admin console dashboard, go to Apps -> Google Workspace-> Gmail -> Manage quarantines.
- Click ‘Go to admin quarantine’ to display all the quarantines.
For Outlook-
- In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to Email & collaboration -> Review -> Quarantine -> Email tab.
-  To go directly to the Email tab on the Quarantine page, use https://security.microsoft.com/quarantine?viewid=Email.
- On the Email tab, select the quarantined message by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box.
5. The email is filtered by third party filters
If you work at a business, your company may be using third party software to block certain emails. Check with your IT department to see if this situation applies and how to resolve issues.
6. The email is stuck in the sender’s outbox
Even if the email is in their 'Sent items' folder, the email may not have left their email system successfully. If you think the email may be stuck in the sender’s outbox, ensure they have considered these potential issues:
- The attachment (if applicable) is too big to send
- The email was sent while they were offline
- The sender’s cache is causing issues due to expired or corrupted files. Check out these support articles for Gmail and Outlook
- Their email is not fully updated; they may need to update to the latest version of their email app.
7. Offline mode is enabled on your email
If you are working in ‘offline’ mode, you will not be able to receive new emails. Learn how to turn this off for Gmail and Outlook.
8. The search results are not searching every folder
When using the search bar to find the email, ensure the search includes all of the possible folders (and not a specific folder or inbox only).
9. The email is caught in a specific folder or category
Ensure the email was not filtered into one of Gmail’s categories: ‘Promotions’, ‘Social’, ‘Updates’ etc. (Called ‘Other’ in Outlook).
10. The email is filtered by a rule you have enabled
Confirm you don’t have a rule turned on that filtered the email to a specific folder. Check out these support articles related to email rules for Gmail and Outlook.
11. The email is being sorted based on a particular setting or inbox type
Both Gmail and Outlook offer different sorting options (ie- show unread first, filter by date, show important first, etc.). Confirm your specific inbox settings are not moving the email to an unexpected location.
12. The email is in your deleted folder
Confirm the email has not accidentally been deleted (called “trash” in Gmail).
13. The email account you use is out of storage space
Confirm you have not run out of space to receive new emails. For Gmail, check your Google Drive Storage space. For Outlook, check out this article.
What is the difference between my inbox and the “Bp: Approved” folder? (Gmail Only)
There is no difference between the two folders; All emails in your approved folder will be in your inbox. The “Bp: Approved” folder exists to ensure the drag & drop functionality works correctly. Because there is no difference between the two, you can ignore the approved folder & use your regular inbox like normal.
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